The NLP Landscape

The NLP Landscape

From 1960 to 2022


2 min read

What is NLP?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of Linguistics, computer science and artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers and human language in particular how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data.

N T U R A L   L A N G U A G E   P R O C E S S I N G

NLP is a translator between humans and machines. Natural Language Processing is the way by which machines can derive insights from text/documents.

Need for NLP

In neuropsychology, linguistics, and the philosophy of language, a natural language or ordinary language is any language that has evolved naturally in humans through use and repetition without conscious planning or premeditation.

Natural languages can take different forms, such as speech or signing. They are distinguished from constructed and formal languages such as those used to program computers or to study logic.

Real World Applications

  • Contextual Advertisements

  • Email Clients

  • Social Media

  • Search Engines

  • Chatbots

Common NLP Tasks

  • Text / Document Classification

  • Sentiment Analysis

  • Information Retrieval

  • Parts of speech tagging

  • Language Detection and Machine Translation

  • Conversational Agents

  • Knowledge Graph and QA Systems

  • Text Summarization

  • Topic Modelling

  • Text Generation

  • Spell Checking and Grammer Correction

  • Text Parsing

  • Speech to Text

Approaches to NLP

  1. Heuristic Approaches

  2. Machine Learning Approaches

  3. Deep Learning Approaches

Challenges in NLP

  1. Ambiguity

  2. Contextual Words

  3. Colloquialisms and Slang

  4. Synonyms

  5. The Irony, Sarcasm and Tonal Difference

  6. Spelling Errors

  7. Creativity

  8. Diversity